Thursday, January 2, 2014

Can and/or Should.

Yep. It's another Pinterest Pin. But hey, what can I say? Pinterest motivates me.
This image strikes me each time I see it. Because to me, it packs two separate punches that motivate me in two very different ways. First, it says: "You have the ability. There are so many individuals who are not lucky enough to have the ability that you do to be so active. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" This obviously is meaningful to me. Because each time I see it, it gives me a much needed kick in the butt! But, it also reminds me that there are times when working out is simply not appropriate and will hurt my body as opposed to benefiting it. This truly is a hard one for me to follow through with. Foot hurts? Eh, I'll run it off. Sick? Run it off. Exhausted from the three tests I had this week? Run it off. And sometimes, there comes a moment where I have to sit back and remind myself that healthy does not mean going to the gym when I am injured, sick, or exhausted. The body can take a lot. But I've realized that I need to be more careful about realizing when my body needs a rest.
If you know me well (or at all), you know that I'm an incredibly stubborn person. There is nothing more crushing than getting close to your goal and realizing... Oh no. *cough* No. I'm not getting si- *cough*...
And in the past, I tended to get a bit hard headed and run through it anyway. And to be quite honest, that just isn't healthy. So, I'm making another commitment to myself: if i'm sick, or exhausted, or hurt, or any other variation of unwell that means that I need to give my body a rest, I will do so. Because repeatedly breaking my body down when it isn't well will not make me a healthier person.
In other news, today was officially day 1 of Don't Eat Crap. And I feel pretty fantastic. I had gotten to the point over the last month or so where the thought of anything fried made me slightly nauseous. And honestly, eating nothing but fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and protein today felt kind of fantastic after that. Also, I've had about 40 ounces of water so far today, and that feels pretty awesome too - I forgot what it felt like to actually be hydrated. Hopefully this will benefit not only my work outs and my body as a whole, but also my skin!
So, overall I think it's safe to say that I'm on my way to a better me - and enjoying the journey. I'm headed back to school on Saturday, and I plan to go to the store on Sunday (i'll probably give a rundown of what I bought), making Monday (first day of school) my first gym day of the year. Hopefully pulling my friend Daniella along for that ride! Can't wait!!!

And for the future me, or anyone else who is struggling to get by:
"When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top."

See you all later!
Keep Smiling <3 Brandi


  1. Learning to listen to what your body needs is very important and I'm happy you've leaned your ear into what it has to say! It sounds like you're off to a wonderful start with water and clean real foods; mindful grocery shopping is a good way to stay on track. It's usually good to stay away from boxed things but don't deprive yourself of snack bars and the like because you're going to need all the energy you can get if you're going to get back to running :)

  2. I just tried to like that. Thanks for the support Catherine!!! <333
