Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Always Believe that Something Wonderful is About to Happen

Today's work out was a new one (at least for this semester it was). My friend Teresa and decided to switch it up and go for a swim in the pool. We did 10 laps (20 if you're counting each direction as 1 lap). Realization: I have zero strength in my chest/arms. None. Zip. So, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to try to make it to the pool at least once a week because I find it hard to get in an arm work out during the week otherwise. A lot of this is due to my own self consciousness (lets be honest, going into the weight room not knowing what you're doing or to which machine you're headed can be a little intimidating). And yes, it is ridiculous that I'm self conscious about this. But, alas! I think that the pool might be a better fit for me anyway. As my school offers free personal training sessions, however, I might take advantage of these and inquire as to what arm/upper body exercises would be best for me at a later date. But, for now I feel that the pool is a pretty all inclusive workout - it gets in cardio, legs, abs, and a whole heck of a lot of arms. Let's just hope I can lift them tomorrow!
On another note, I watched a video today by TheLeanMachines that really inspired me. It addressed the issue of positivity pretty well in my opinion, which as I've said is something that I've found I really struggle with. In the course of talking about success one of the two personal trainers of the channel told a story from a friend of his that he said really hit home for him - and it did for me too.
The story was about two monks who were walking along a river that was flooded. As they were walking, they encountered a woman on the other side of the river who was asking for help because she needed to get across. One of the monks said "No, we can't help her we can't associate with women we need to just move on and go on our way." But, during the time that he said this, the other monk had removed his clothes, waded across the river, picked up the woman and carried her to the other side. He put his clothes back on and the two monks continued walking along the river for a few miles. Hours had passed in silence and finally one of the monks stopped and asked "What is the matter? You've been silent since we encountered the woman back there." The other monk responded with "Well we aren't allowed to associate with women or touch women and you picked her up! I'm very bothered by this!" Finally his companion responded with "Yes, I did pick her up, yes I did carry her across the river. The only difference between you and I is that I put her down hours ago, and you're still carrying her."
This story hit home for me because it helped me to realize that sometimes I have trouble letting things go. And unfortunately, this is something that we all must learn to do. Because if we don't, the only person that it will hurt is us. In life there are many things that we will encounter that are not within our control: failures, negative people, negative situations, mistakes, etc. And the ability to let these things go and move past them with a positive mentality is imperative to a happy and healthy lifestyle. Without this ability, we are continuously allowing our past to impact our future in a negative manner. We already had to live through it once, wasn't that enough? For the future me: take what you can from negative situations and remember to let go of anything that doesn't serve you.
These quotes are my reminders that negativity and holding onto mistakes will only weigh me down:

But my favorite...
See you all later!
Keep Smiling <3 Brandi

Their HOW TO SUCCEED Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8izbjQtm-Y

1 comment:

  1. The free personal training session is very helpful! I highly recommend it because the people are very friendly and adjust to your needs and goals. I'm sure any one of them can supply you with the knowledge that will help you gain more confidence on the weight floor!
    It sounds like you're making good progress with happy healthy habits. Go you! :)
