Saturday, January 4, 2014

Short Update!

Today is going to be a short one!
First, I arrived at school today! Yay! Time to get down to business (to defeat the Huns - wait, what?)! Tomorrow is going to be the first grocery run of the year - buy good foods you'll eat good foods, right? Right. The plan is to start the year off right with some good healthy foods in my dorm so that I won't be tempted to go elsewhere (ahem, BurgerKing) for my meals.
Also! As part of my motivation regiment I've been watching two personal trainers on Youtube called TheLeanMachines who tend to make videos about healthy eating as well as exercises (both at home and at the gym) and general fitness knowledge about supplements and other randomosities. I think that their videos are a quick way to get some motivation and/or some knowledge on a lot of subjects regarding fitness from a more reputable source (at least, I think so simply due to the fact that they're both personal trainers).
I can't wait to get the year started on a positive foot and work towards my goals with my friends!
Reminder to the future me: don't focus on the speed of improvement. "Many people quit due to slow progress, never realizing that slow progress... Is progress."

See you all later!
Keep Smiling <3 Brandi

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