Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Beginnings. This year I find myself at an interesting place in my life where I feel as though I'm ready to move but not quite sure in what direction. So, the purpose of this blog is to have a place to put the fleeting but powerful thoughts of a young (almost) 20-something who has great dreams (even though she isn't quite sure what those are yet), old scars (more than i'd care to admit), and a wonderfully terrifying feeling of being lost in a world that always seems to have a direction (whether it be correct or not).
This year, it is my goal to be a generally healthier person. I don't know to what extent that can happen, but I want to dedicate this year and every year after to seeking out ways to make myself better. By surrounding myself with people who lift me up; by getting help when I need it; by finding a way to move every single day regardless of what's going on; by consistently working towards a better me. I'm well aware that these are lofty goals. But, I view these as lifelong goals that we work on each and every day and address in a meaningful way. 
The first step that I'm taking towards this goal is going to happen the day that I return to school (mostly because that's when I'll be buying groceries). My first goal for 2014 is going to include making healthier choices in eating and making it to the gym at least 3-4 times a week. Looking at my schedule for the semester, I would like to get up and out the door by 7:45 4 days a week and to the gym by 8am. But, once I've tested this out for a full week I'll reevaluate what I believe is feasible. In terms of my diet, my goal is to eat a lot more vegetables and fruits. I've bought a multivitamin and this coupled with my revamped eating habits, i'm hoping that these things will help give me the energy needed to get in my running and keep up with school! I also bought fish oil pills because when I run, the thing that tends to bother me the most is my knees, and I've heard that this supplement helps with joint health. Yep! I'm aware that this is boring, it's mostly for my own record keeping.
I don't know what I'll be writing. Or if it will be interesting. But my friend Kaitlin and I have made the commitment to each other that we'll be writing. In the hopes that it will keep us motivated and on track with our own goals, wherever those may take us.
Kaitlin's blog: http://www.positivelyperplexing.blogspot.com/
I'm going to make the statement now that 2014 is going to be a great one. Because I'm ready to step up and make my own change.
See you all later.
 Brandi <3

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